Meet Marc, a heavy equipment mechanic from saskatchewan, Canada

Before working with me Marc was eating to much junk food and not having enough home cooked meals.

He wanted more energy throughout the day and to learn what to eat to look and feel his best!

After working with me Marc has better energy day to day and less cravings for junk foods.

He now knows what foods to eat when on the go , in camp and how to cook simple and tasty meals at home.

Ben’s accountability was bar none, he always answered my questions. He met me where I was at and he was adaptable to challenges that came up.

I would recommend Ben’s program for any tradesman who wants to learn to eat better and balance a crazy work schedule”


Meet Nick, a custom home builder from,ontario Canada

Before working with me Nick was having a hard time keeping up with his kids! He had gained weight over the years wich was taking a tole on his knees and back.

Nicks goals coming into the program were to get back down to 220 , have more energy for his family and stop feeling so stiff and tired.

Nick is currently enrolled in the program, here is what he has to say so far.

“I’m feeling better than when I started and alot of my knee and back pain is going away. Ben has been great to work with and is there to help you when you need it”

He has lost 14 pounds and counting !

Meet Spencer a ELECTRICIAN and business owner from Southern saskatchewan, Canada

Before working with me spencer was having a hard time eating healthy and finding time to exercise.He works CRAZY hours and needed a plan that would work for his schedule.

Spencer wanted to drop about 20-30 pounds ,reduce aches and pains and get through the day without needing a red bull to keep going.

Spencer is currently still enrolled in the program. Here is the results he saw in the first 30 days!

He lost 13 pounds (and kept it off), started eating healthy meals every day and is having better energy throughout the day

Spencer has been in social situations and has had no problem sticking to his diet. He’s even got himself a new woman since he started working with me !

Meet Billy a Heavy equipement operator from ontario, Canada

Billy is currentley still enrolled in the program. Here are some of his wins so far.

He’s been working out at daily and even eating healthy in camp( yes its possible)!

Billy’s been getting a solid 7 hours of sleep each night so hes been able to cut back on the energy drinks…

Hes also down 13 pounds and counting!

“I feel like a ninja ,Im proud that Ive kept my spirits high while it seems like the other guys in camp are dragging ass every day”.


“ I drink an ungodly amount of redbulls ,I’d inject them if I could”

That’s one one of the first things that billy said when met. Before working with me billy had a hard time eating right while working on the road and in camps.

He was running 5K every day and still didnt see the body he wanted when looking in the mirror!

Billy’s goals coming into the program were to: lose belly fat , know what to eat , and run a mini marathon !

Meet EVAN, An Electrician apprentice from novia scotia canada.

Before working with me Evan tried to to kick the beer belly he got gain over the pandemic...

Evan felt unmotivated to get back on the horse with the gym and his diet.

His goals were to build some muscle , stay out of the bars, and get his confidence back to a good place.

Evan is in the final weeks of the program , here are some of his wins so far.

-Hes been hitting the gym 4/5 days a week

-His diet and sleep quality is better than ever

-He is building muscle and confidence

-Evan has layed off the beers and is feeling good about his progress so far !

Meet Leo, A business owner and dad from croatia.

Before working with me Leo’s main health struggles were unwanted weight gain over the years, a love for sweets , fatty liver disease and stress management!

After working with me some of the powerful changes Leo experienced were , He began eating less, saw noticeable weight loss and Leo has developed a deep understanding that his mental/emotional state can affect his choices.

“ Ben is easy to talk to ,attentive and personable. He adapts quickly to ones needs and is non judgmental towards slip ups or mistakes. Ben was able to work with me towards my goals by giving me practical tips and positive feedback on my progress.”
